Truth v/s feeling good?

Hello readers 

Well my opinion about whether I prefer the truth or feel good I think it is varied, for the reason that until today I have practiced both, in some cases I have lied to feel good or make someone else feel good and in other cases I said the truth even if it hurts. 

I think there are times when it is not necessary to make a person feel bad with the truth, only if this does not have consequences in the future or if it ruins the friendship, I feel there are cases in which a friend or another person could understand why the lie, for example when I was a child I had a pet bird and one day he died and my parents told me that he had left with his parents, I was happy because he found his family but he was a bit sad because he missed him , then this lie did not bring bad consequences.

 But there are also times in which one must tell the truth because it may be worse in the future to hide the subject, for example, an infidelity to the couple, I believe that something like this should not be hidden. 

Maybe they are very extreme examples but that's what I think. 



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