Joel Leighton Fuentes

My name is Joel Leighton Fuentes and I'm twenty years old. I was born on August 15, 1997 in Quillota, Chile. I currently live in Santiago with my brother while my parents still live in Quillota. I'm studying Chemistry in the Facultdad de Ciencias Quimicas y Farmaceuticas of Universidad de Chile.
I have two brothers, Yankel and Yerik. They are 27 and 10 years old respectively. My brother Yankel is medical Technologist in Clinica Santa Maria and my brother Yerik study in Terranova School.
Physically, I'm taller than average, 1,70 meters approximate. I have black hair and brown eyes.
In my free time I usually play soccer for the faculty team or go to the Quillota to visit my family. I also like to play pc games with my friends.


  1. Your biography seems profile to find polola

  2. Yours brother's names are like "reggetoneros" names haha, you have to make them famous

  3. The names of your brothers they are very strange! i never even hear of that o:

  4. I would like to go to Quillota someday!!!!

  5. The name of your brothers are so cool !


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