English Language

In the university I have been playing super good teachers since English II, I learned a lot because what I knew was very basic then English in the university has been very useful for me, one of my priorities is to manage English well then these classes have helped me much.

Writing a blog for me was something new and more if I was in English because I had never written a life journal or something similar, I was entertained and I learned many new words to write well.

I feel that my writing technique is to improve and improve the vocabulary a bit because to read the blog of my classmates there were words that I did not know and then I had to find what they wanted to be able to continue reading.

Include something in the future ... I do not really know what I mean, but I think I'm happy with what this course has given me, I would like to learn English very well in order to travel and not have problems, so all that can be help me learn this well.

I would like to write about the hobbies that one has I think that writing about the things that one likes to do is more entertaining and easier for example when it was necessary to write about a scientist who inspired us was very difficult because there was not one for me to like science, other things were what motivated me but the blog of the holidays was very good, it made me remember my family holidays.


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