A subject i really like

Since, i entered university i don't have a favorite subject because i am not good for study but i practice soccer here and is very funny because i know many people

This subject is tuesday and thursday in the afternoon about 8 PM in the Campus Juan Gomez Milla of the university, We started with heating to avoid injuries for 30 minutes as it is very cold at that time after we usually do goal shot for 15 minutes and after we play among ourselves to simulate a match and finally we run around the court to work our resistance and at the end of this subject we must present a theoretical work about a theme related with our career for example the anesthetic spray for injuries, the material of the uniform, the material of the soccer ball, etc.

Well principally i like this subject because i ever practice this sport so for me is very funny to be able to continue doing it in the university and give me credits for the career, also i am in the soccer team of the faculty and they give me a priority benefit to choose the subject this really helps.


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