Someone I admire in my field

I will talk about Werner Heisenberg mainly because he is a famous scientist, it was very difficult to choose one in particular, since my main motivation was not someone specific, but the amount of things related to the chemistry area and a couple of television programs like Breaking Bad or Full Metal Alchemist.

Heisenberg was born in Würzburg Germany on December 5, 1901 was a scientist in the area of ​​physics mainly in the area of ​​quantum mechanics. He won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1932. His main contribution to the area of ​​science was the uncertainty principle I like his contribution to science as it goes beyond what can be calculated mathematically that is why many people associate the uncertainty principle to other aspects of life for example in philosophy.

As I said at the beginning I was not fully motivated by a specific scientist, my motivation was more because chemistry was always related to good television programs like the ones I said at the beginning (Breaking Bad and Full Metal Alchemist) where the main characters in the case of breaking bad was a professor of chemistry and in full metal alchemist an alchemist (study of the chemical phenomena in antiquity).

Thank you for reading


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